About Me

Who Am I

I'm Aliyu Dangusau, a passionate Data Analyst who thrives on diving deep into data, crafting strategic insights, and adding a touch of creativity to the mix. Imagine me as someone who crafts a blend of data-driven decisions and introspective artistry.
In the world of social interactions, I find my solace in solitude – I'm a true introvert. Books and self-improvement are my sources of strength, providing a serene escape from the noisy hustle and bustle of crowds.
But here's the twist: I'm surprisingly comfortable on stage. Public speaking, unexpectedly, is my forte. Picture this: a TED Talk about data trends, sprinkled with data points and a dash of humor. My knack for solitude empowers me to captivate audiences, bridging the gap between information and impact.
In the realm of strategic thinking and tactical maneuvers, I'm all about intellectual puzzles. Games like Scrabble, Draft, and Chess are where I shine, turning strategy into an art form. While data might not physically "move," I conduct its symphony, transforming raw numbers into compelling stories.
Collaboration is another side of me. Despite my introverted core, I excel at working with diverse individuals, turning team projects into harmonious performances. Each person's unique contribution adds to the collective insight, resulting in an impressive crescendo.
As a Data Analyst, I go beyond just insights. I create complex machine learning models, infusing data with predictive power, and using them to explore uncharted territories. Whether it's predicting market trends or uncovering hidden patterns, I choreograph data's dance with algorithms that bring it to life.
Teaching is my ongoing source of growth. Sharing my expertise isn't just a task; it's a way for me to learn too. By enlightening others, I gain fresh perspectives that enrich my own understanding. This cycle of learning and teaching is a fulfilling journey, fostering a virtuous exchange.
Beyond algorithms and analytics, my interests span various domains. I delve into human psychology, engage in lively football discussions, and decipher the intricacies of financial markets. Each interest adds a unique stroke to the colorful portrait of my intellectual journey.
While the world of data is a significant part of my life, I also embrace light-heartedness. Amidst the binary code, I have a soft spot for the spontaneity of childhood and the genuine warmth of dogs. They remind me of the simple joys that make life beautiful.
So, welcome to my world of insights, where data poetry meets professional excellence. Let's embark on this journey of data discovery together, blending seriousness with a touch of playfulness, and weaving our narratives into the tapestry of excellence.

I'm continually expanding my knowledge in cutting-edge technologies and advanced applications of data mining and machine learning across diverse domains. My hunger for learning keeps me on track, as I update myself through courses, hands-on experiences from IBM, AWS, Google, and insights from mentors and colleagues.


You can find and verify my Credentials below

  • AWS Machine Learning Foundations 2022
    Date: August 2022
    Credential: Verify
  • Data Analytics and Visualization Virtual Experience by Forage
    Date: May 2023
  • IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate
    Date: June 2023
    Credential: Verify
  • IBM Data Science Fundamentals with Python and SQL
    Date: July 2023
    Credential: Verify
  • IBM Data Science Professional Certificate
    Date: August 2023
    Credential: Verify